Tuesday, March 27, 2007


A recurring problem in a Wisconsin workers compensation practice is the client who has substantial medical expense but no other significant workers compensation benefits to go after. For example, the worker has the need for a surgery, but has no health insurance. The worker cannot have the surgery because no medical provider will do the surgery without some type of insurance.

The worker calls me to see if I can help get the workers comp established so they can have the surgery. The only way an attorney can take on a workers comp case is a 20% contingent fee. However, the workers comp attorney cannot take a cut out of medical bills recovered. The most the workers comp division will approve is a 100-$200 flat fee. That is not enough money to do a workers comp hearing. Most doctors charge 350-$500 to do a workers comp report. Thus, there is no way for the attorney to get paid, even if the case is won. There is no way that the attorney can help the worker.

Is there a solution to this problem?

Friday, March 23, 2007


I decided to jump feet first into creating a blog for my law practice. I am sure that is how most adventures begin. I have a really strange life and practicing law puts me in some very strange situations. For example, people tend to put an extraordinary amount of trust in a lawyer and probably confide many things with me due to the attorney client privilege. People assume that they can trust me with just about anything. I live a Seinfeld-type life with odd occurrences such as this.

I had lunch with a vendor. We talked over lunch about law firm equipment. The young man then asked me for advice on proposing to his fiance'. I then dove back into the paperwork at my office wondering how he will pop the question and how it will all turn out. Good thing that I am not a family law attorney.

I attended the ABA techshow convention in Chicago yesterday. What a great opportunity to catch some new ideas. I spent part of my lunch sitting outside next to the Chicago river. It still looks strangely St Patrick's day green. I just missed out on winning a free book at the seminar by answering a question presented by the speaker. The question was what Steely Dan song refers to Aretha Franklin? I had the answer! Hey Nineteen. However, I was a few milliseconds late when some other FM radiohead beat me to the prize.

This blog thing is tending to drift more to my personal life as an attorney rather than a professional piece that would have any usable information for another human being. I will try to go that route in my next entry.