Friday, March 23, 2007


I decided to jump feet first into creating a blog for my law practice. I am sure that is how most adventures begin. I have a really strange life and practicing law puts me in some very strange situations. For example, people tend to put an extraordinary amount of trust in a lawyer and probably confide many things with me due to the attorney client privilege. People assume that they can trust me with just about anything. I live a Seinfeld-type life with odd occurrences such as this.

I had lunch with a vendor. We talked over lunch about law firm equipment. The young man then asked me for advice on proposing to his fiance'. I then dove back into the paperwork at my office wondering how he will pop the question and how it will all turn out. Good thing that I am not a family law attorney.

I attended the ABA techshow convention in Chicago yesterday. What a great opportunity to catch some new ideas. I spent part of my lunch sitting outside next to the Chicago river. It still looks strangely St Patrick's day green. I just missed out on winning a free book at the seminar by answering a question presented by the speaker. The question was what Steely Dan song refers to Aretha Franklin? I had the answer! Hey Nineteen. However, I was a few milliseconds late when some other FM radiohead beat me to the prize.

This blog thing is tending to drift more to my personal life as an attorney rather than a professional piece that would have any usable information for another human being. I will try to go that route in my next entry.


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